News & Events

Guide to Understanding our Alienation

This audiovisual guide is a curated collection of talks with Jinan KB, a designer and educationist who has been involved in existential research to understand the processes involved in the creation of knowledge, the formation of creativity, intelligence, aesthetics and its relation to the content of learning and the context. His primary interest has been

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Reassembling a Cosmopolitics as Subsensorial

by Pia Lindman I’m an artist and a healer: in both practices, my point of departure has often been personal experiences, guiding my inquiries and leading me to investigate the body and its place within the cultural space, as well as its relationship with the larger ecosystem. Affected by the powerful visceral experiences of a disease in my

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Nueva Antropología Human@

By Pedro Reygadas   Este libro es una Nueva Antropología, un acercamiento contemporáneo a la humanidad como totalidad abierta. Un acercamiento sistémico a la complejidad dinámica rizomática de la carnalidad material de la persona, de sus campos de energía/in-formación y de su espiritualidad a partir de la in-formación/energía del pensamiento y de la conciencia.  Descarga

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Engaged Buddhism – Healing Trauma in Community Settings

What prepares men for totalitarian domination in the non-totalitarian world is the fact that loneliness, once a borderline experience usually suffered in certain marginal social conditions like old age, has become an everyday experience … – The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) by Hannah Arendt A few nights before I left for Xommunity, I was scrolling

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Walking the scarred path or discovering the sacred masculinity in us?

by Nitin Paranjape   For the past year, I have been a part of an interesting co-learning experiment called “Mensversity”. The idea first took root in informal dialogues over lunch or chai during the Indian Multiversity Alliance (IMA) meeting at the Deer Park Institute in Bir, Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Multiversity Alliance is a flexible,

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Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas

<img src="”×229.png”" alt="””" width="”300″" height="”229″" />Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas is a recopilation of short stories and leyends from the Sierra Sur and Costa regions of Oaxaca, told by elders of the indigenous village of San Mateo Piñas. Descarga el libro/download this book.

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