Lst year, Vanessa Meng joined HIRAYA Collective for a creative residency, where she co-facillitated a series of creative workshops: Letters of Healing: Portals is one of these, a multisensorial spoken-word poetry session in Balai Mayari.
Lst year, Vanessa Meng joined HIRAYA Collective for a creative residency, where she co-facillitated a series of creative workshops: Letters of Healing: Portals is one of these, a multisensorial spoken-word poetry session in Balai Mayari.
El Tejido Ecoversidades es una comunidad de practicantes del aprendizaje de todas partes del mundo, comprometidos a la re-imaginación de la educación superior para culvitvar un florecimiento humano y ecológico en respuesta a los retos críticos de nuestros tiempos.
Copyleft 2018 Ecoversidades
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