Re-imagining Education Conference 4.0 – October 24 – 27, 2024! Let’s bring our imaginations together!

Education is what shapes our collective hearts and minds. As the cracks in the systems widen, we must come together to reimagine what we learn, how we learn it, how to compost it, and who we regard as our teachers. Join us for an interactive, multi-day dialogue during the 4th annual Reimagining Education Conference. Your voice is needed.

Please join us from Oct 24th- 27th! Register here:
This event is offered in the spirit of the gift economy.

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becoming Monster: A Convening at the End of the Human | October 30th – November 3rd 2024

Becoming Monster will introduce us to strange characters and other-than-human creatures, co-created in praxis through art-making, creative process, intuitive and body-based explorations, ritual, ceremony and celebration. The online, hybrid and in-person sessions have been offered up by friends and kin of ten (The Emergence Network), but the experience will be shaped by all of us who participate in a multiplicity of ways. You are welcome here. All of your various parts, emotions, practices, life experiences, questions, doubts and longings are welcome in this experimental festival.

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Afrikan Ecoversities Regional Gathering 2024: NIGERIA November 12th to 17th

We invite you to come together to commune, share gifts and experiences and feast on how we are creating our own spaces of learning, unlearning and relearning across Afrika during our second Ecoversities regional gathering. We will be hosted by Prikkle Academy in Afon, Kwara State, Nigeria from 12th – 17th November 2024. Prikkle Academy is a social enterprise in Nigeria creating rural innovation hubs to inspire youth to connect and create community solutions.

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V Encuentro Regional Ecoversidades Abya Yala: Escuela Campesina Abya-Anahuac, Mexico, 3 – 10 Noviembre, 2024

Con gran alegría lanzamos la invitación para juntarnos nuevamente en el V Encuentro Regional de Ecoversidades!

Se realizará del 3 al 10 de Noviembre en la zona Occidente de México. En esta ocasión la ecoversidad en la que queremos corazonarnos y que nos recibe es la Escuela Campesina EDUPAS. Será un encuentro itinerante, de caminar juntes al ritmo de los territorios y las comunidades que trabajan en el campo, que nos reciben y acogen, para compartir saberes y prácticas ancestrales, desde donde puedan emerger nuevos aprendizajes.

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Ecoversities ALL Members Welcome Call: August 30, 2PM Sao Paolo, 1PM EST

português abaixo español abajo Welcome!! Bem-vindxs!! Bienvenidxs!! This is our welcome call to the Alliance! Our beautiful hearts are just arriving from the Turtle Island Gathering and the Global Gathering in Brazil. Come, bring your abundance, your diversity, your profound imaginations, your frequencies. This is a Welcome Call for elder and new members, our intention

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Ecoversities Alliance Global Gathering Brazil 2024: 17th – 22nd of August | International Registration Closed

Portuguēs & español abaixo Dear friends! Save the Date! This year our annual Planetary Gathering is happening in BRAZIL!!!  Find more information below and Registration Form here. English This is an invitation for you to gather together with 100 other rebels, dreamers and visionaries from around the world in Cunha, Brazil, from the 17th to 22nd

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