
YouthxYouth is a global learning community led by youth, for youth, dedicated to transforming education. Supported by our global online programs and local in-person hubs, our young people (ages 15-26) learn alongside adult allies to develop skills, create projects, and elevate youth voices within their schools, communities and governments. We believe in a liberated world where education is an experience that serves all of us as young people, as well as our communities and the planet.


YxY began as a 3 day learning experience, in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, to evolve our conscious activism, radical reimagination and co-creative action to transform our education. Now we are a global community of over 400 youth activists from 80+ countries and 9 Glocal Hubs, aiming to ignite a global movement to transform our learning and education.

One of our biggest offerings is our programs, designed and facilitated by our youth hosts and global partners for transformative education. Our Activist Programs provide aspiring and experienced education activists of all ages with the community, resources, and global solidarity they need to grow, thrive, and co-create their visions for a better world.

Our solution is community. By building communities of care, online and in-person, young people first start to see that they are not alone in questioning their education systems and gain the confidence to ask deeper and deeper questions, which make for innovative and thoughtful projects that get deployed locally, while staying connected globally. We build community through our youth-led programming and build capacity through a tried and tested pedagogical approach which has 3 steps: What Is (sensemaking and meaning-making); What If (radical-reimagination), What Now (personal and collective action).

Through our Weavership, a 10-month fellowship for youth community organizers, we have launched nine youth-led local hubs across 6 countries—Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa—transforming education with focuses on peace-building, youth unemployment, digital safety, climate, gender, mental health, and teacher training.

Our approach to education transformation is Glocal, meaning that we recognise change begins from the roots, grounded in local context, supported by global knowledge and community. We desire to help young people co-create globally-informed, locally-driven solutions to issues deeply embedded in their communities.



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