Noticias y eventos

Ecoversities Alliance Global Gathering Brazil 2024: 17th – 22nd of August | International Registration Closed

Portuguēs & español abaixo Dear friends! Save the Date! This year our annual Planetary Gathering is happening in BRAZIL!!!  Find more information below and Registration Form here. English This is an invitation for you to gather together with 100 other rebels, dreamers and visionaries from around the world in Cunha, Brazil, from the 17th to 22nd

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Ecoversities Turtle Island Regional Gathering 2024, Cascadia Bioregion | 19th – 23rd of July | Registration Open

Dear kindred spirits, In the dance of life’s unfolding mysteries, we extend an invitation to join us for 5 days of co-exploring, sharing gifts and skills, and un/learning.  This will be the first-ever in-person Turtle Island Regional Gathering of the Ecoversties Alliance. We will be hosted at the Atlan Center, located in the Cascadia bioregion

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