Noticias y eventos

What is the sound of the border?

What is the sound of the border? is a sound investigation that interrogates conditions, experiences, solidarities and possibilities for organising at the border- started by members of the political sound art collective Ultra-red together with asylum-seekers, and collaborators from Ecoversities Alliance, as those in Free Home University (Italy). The investigation welcomes anybody living the conditions

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The Prison of Ferality… Besieged Humanity

by Saleh Abu Shamala     Abstract   There is nothing more severe and cruel than for a person to live a feeling of oppression and suffering without being able to describe it and determine its causes and sources. It is the feeling of powerlessness and loss of human dignity when uncertainty meets oppression, and

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Let Us Not Look Away

How can we learn to unlearn war? Ecoversities Alliance in solidarity with Gaza  Committed to unlearning the war against life that the colonial, modern, anthropocentric, capitalist, and hetero-patriarchal paradigm continuously produces – the Ecoversities Alliance is called to respond to the horrors of the present moment from and within the different voices that constitute our

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May Residency with the Haj Mulein Sustainable Community Farm in Siwa Oasis, 2023

(español abajo) <img width="”225″" height="”300″" src="”×300.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”×300.jpg" 225w, https:> <a href="/es/””/">The Ecoversities Alliance seed fund supports residencies between ecoversities around the world</a>, as learning journeys for the exchange of cosmovisions, dreamings, inspirations. Today, Phattharaporn Srithaworn (May) from Thailand shares with us her residency in the

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ريف فاخوري: تَعلُّم وتَذَكُّر – بين العقول والحقول

١٩٩١كان عمري ١٢ سنة عندما غزت أمريكا العراق مع تحالف لحوالي ٣٢ دولة تحت كذبة نشر الديموقراطية، كل ما أتذكره من تلك الفترة هو شعور الخوف وعدم الفهم ٢٠٠١ كان عمري ٢١ سنة عندما تم تفجير برجي مركز التجارة العالمي في نيويورك، وأيضاً أتذكر شعور الخوف وعدم الفهم لما يحدث ٢٠٠٣ كان عمري ٢٣ سنة،

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Gaia Foundation – Trainings for Transformation: Rewilding Worldviews & Envisioning Life-sustaining Futures

This July, participants from Cameroon, Benin, Uganda and Zimbabwe gathered for a virtual weeklong retreat as part of The Gaia Foundation’s unique and UN-commended three-year trainings for Earth Jurisprudence Practitioners (the Trainings for Transformation). Our theme was life-sustaining systemic alternatives to the dominant and destructive industrial growth system. Together we examined the myriad failings of

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*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Dear ecoversities friends,   Pain ripples and resonates across our communities, mourning yet another senseless loss, as  the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,Tony McDade and countless others have been violently taken by police brutality in the USA, at the hand of the State.  The pain, rage and struggle are very

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