Noticias y eventos

Huellas Matriarcales y poder patriarcal

Por Irene Ragazzini   Pasaje: Introducción Con este pequeño libro, quiero compartir una reflexión sobre el desarrollo de las estructuras patriarcales que rigen nuestras sociedades, entendiéndolas como una construcción social e histórica y por lo tanto no universales, ni naturales, ni totalizantes. En primer lugar recupero algunos principios, instituciones y prácticas que, a lo largo

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Ecoversities – A Reflection on Re-imagining Education

Ecoversities Alliance: A Reflection on Re-imagining Education and Supporting Learning Communities Text by: Udi Mandel and Gerardo Lopez Amaro Illustration & Graphic Design: Kate Morales <iframe src=”” style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 1045px; height: 1280px;” frameborder=”1″ marginheight=”0px” marginwidth=”0px” allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Nueva Antropología Human@

By Pedro Reygadas   Este libro es una Nueva Antropología, un acercamiento contemporáneo a la humanidad como totalidad abierta. Un acercamiento sistémico a la complejidad dinámica rizomática de la carnalidad material de la persona, de sus campos de energía/in-formación y de su espiritualidad a partir de la in-formación/energía del pensamiento y de la conciencia.  Descarga

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Education as a Collective Practice

About this publication   The work of Foresta Collective explores the notions of the ecological from a variety of perspectives, aspiring to contribute to the emergence of a mindset grounded in human embodied and embedded nature, interconnectedness, and deep entanglement with the more-than-human worlds. In spring and summer 2020 amid the first wave of the

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Catalogue of Radical Pedagogies

The Future is Now: Ecoversities Alliance Catalogue of Radical Pedagogies   Compiled and Edited by: Sweta Daga and Manish Jain Layout and Design: Somdutta Pal and Harsh Wardhan Special Thanks: Alessandra Pomarico, Christoph Neusiedl <a href="””" target="”_blank”" rel="”noopener”"> Click here to download pdf </a> <iframe height:

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seeing together in the dark matter of the image

 by Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson   In their “Notes towards a Vernacular Technology”, which opens their booklet Seeing Together in the Dark Matter of the Image, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson  write: “How do we open up spaces for sharing thoughts and conversations that facilitate the creation of different ways of being together, talk-ing, seeing, inhabiting the

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Mahua – News and conversations about the real economy in India 

  These alivelihoods are restoring Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature freely accessible, bringing down inequities, facilitating deep questioning and inquiry, healing the disconnected self and the wounded spirit, helping people experience real love and joy, all of which is dismantling the

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Vocabulario Vital

By Eliana Otta Vital Vocabulary comes out of necessity, as we acknowledge the insufficiency of available language to address what is meaningful in times of extreme uncertainty . . . times when we seem to lack words to properly express the depth of our confusion and pain, as well as to articulate what dares to appear

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Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas

<img src="”×229.png”" alt="””" width="”300″" height="”229″" />Relatos de las Abuelas y Abuelos de San Mateo Piñas is a recopilation of short stories and leyends from the Sierra Sur and Costa regions of Oaxaca, told by elders of the indigenous village of San Mateo Piñas. Descarga el libro/download this book.

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Comer es Rebeldía Vol 2. La Alimentación como arte de la resistencia

  Comer es Rebeldía Vol 2. La Alimentación como arte de la resistencia (Eating is Rebellion Vol 2. Food as art of resistance). This is a compilation of texts about food sovereignty and proposals of resistance and autonomy related to food. It focuses on the creation of alternatives from the grassroots and transmits the message that

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