Noticias y eventos

Ecoversities’ First Asia-wide Gathering

The Ecoversities Alliance held its first Asia-wide gathering in September, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. It brought together 25 innovative educators who are re-imagining higher education to share experiences and co-create. We were honoured to be joined by Thai elder Sulak Sivarska.

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ريف فاخوري: تَعلُّم وتَذَكُّر – بين العقول والحقول

١٩٩١كان عمري ١٢ سنة عندما غزت أمريكا العراق مع تحالف لحوالي ٣٢ دولة تحت كذبة نشر الديموقراطية، كل ما أتذكره من تلك الفترة هو شعور الخوف وعدم الفهم ٢٠٠١ كان عمري ٢١ سنة عندما تم تفجير برجي مركز التجارة العالمي في نيويورك، وأيضاً أتذكر شعور الخوف وعدم الفهم لما يحدث ٢٠٠٣ كان عمري ٢٣ سنة،

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Gaia Foundation – Trainings for Transformation: Rewilding Worldviews & Envisioning Life-sustaining Futures

This July, participants from Cameroon, Benin, Uganda and Zimbabwe gathered for a virtual weeklong retreat as part of The Gaia Foundation’s unique and UN-commended three-year trainings for Earth Jurisprudence Practitioners (the Trainings for Transformation). Our theme was life-sustaining systemic alternatives to the dominant and destructive industrial growth system. Together we examined the myriad failings of

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Ancient Pedagogy for Modern Times: Learning through Monastic Practice

By Daniel Rudolph, Selby Beebe-Lawson Editors: Linnea Schluessler and Manish Jain This is part two of an ongoing series, the first article describes the indigenous pedagogy of the Gurukul System.  For centuries, monasteries have been hubs of education and scholarship, champions of learning. The word monasticism comes from the Greek word monachos which means “living

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