Noticias y eventos

Let Us Not Look Away

How can we learn to unlearn war? Ecoversities Alliance in solidarity with Gaza  Committed to unlearning the war against life that the colonial, modern, anthropocentric, capitalist, and hetero-patriarchal paradigm continuously produces – the Ecoversities Alliance is called to respond to the horrors of the present moment from and within the different voices that constitute our

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Something Moved

by Shane Finan Introduction   I’ll start with an adage: You can’t see the woods for the trees. This saying is used to suggest that sometimes what we are looking for is right in front of us. Now I would like to reverse it: We can’t see the trees for the woods. A complex environment may

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Letters from Imagination

This is an invitation to a ritual for re-imagining our contemporary self. <img width="”768″" height="”1056″" src="”×1056.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" /> <p style="”font-size:" 28px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; font-family: kalam, ‘open sans’; letter-spacing: 0.8px;”>Hello, Dear One! Now that you are here, take a deep breath, connect with your inner self, and please take a moment to read

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Re-imagining education Conference

A 4-day virtual conference to re-imagine education at a critical moment in history. For the last 200 years, many have worked to improve the education system and it has not been enough. What if we re-imagine higher education from the root? Hosted by the Ecoversities Alliance, and partnering communities from around the world, the Re-imagining

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Empower stages diagram from SINA

What SINA does?The Social Innovation Academy (SINA) educates former orphans, street children, refugees and other disadvantaged youth in Uganda to become job creators and social entrepreneurs with the ability to turn challenges into solutions. The empowerment and community at SINA has the effect, that the scholars start to understand their past as a strength, rather

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Mahua – News and conversations about the real economy in India 

  These alivelihoods are restoring Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature freely accessible, bringing down inequities, facilitating deep questioning and inquiry, healing the disconnected self and the wounded spirit, helping people experience real love and joy, all of which is dismantling the

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THE GIGATONNE CHALLENGE – Complexity University

A BOLD, NEW, BOTTOM-UP, AT-SCALE, AT-PACE RESPONSE TO THE GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS We invite you to read about this adventure from Complexity University. You’ll find voices, study cases, what they did in 2020 and next steps towards reducing global emissions one prototype at the time:  Gigatonne challenge – Complexity University from Ecoversities More information about

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Solidarity and Infrastructure. How to Draw from the Perspective of Nature? 3/4

Solidarity and Infrastructure – Progressive Consciousness “En plein air”   In this session, we visualize and discover how nature relates to its own infrastructural moments. Let’s find answers en plein air with oil colours on canvas. The emergence of consciousness is related to the infrastructure of nature. The main problem of the infrastructure is around

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Virtual Planetary Gathering 2020 – Ready for planetary connections?

This year it’s been a very complicated year and for many of us uncertainty has been part of this journey. With this in mind, we have designed this year’s Global Gathering as a learning journey that supports us to embrace this madness of a year. The learning journey is going to be 3 days long and

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