Are you involved with reimagining education, recovering knowledges and restoring enlivened ways of learning in Afrika? Perhaps you are working within and beyond the modern education systems or in a locally-rooted learning space, project, community or territory that is regenerating community, ecology, local economy, culture, spirituality and a sensibility of coming back home? You could be in learning spaces connected with different grassroots, social and ecological movements, and indigenous communities?
Feel warmly invited and welcomed to weave yourself with the Ecoversities Alliance, and to share your experiences, gifts and questions on how we are creating our own spaces of learning, unlearning and relearning across Afrika with us in presence at the 2nd Afrikan Ecoversities regional gathering in Nigeria. We will be hosted by Prikkle Academy in Afon, Kwara State, Nigeria from 12th – 17th November 2024. Prikkle Academy is a social enterprise in Nigeria creating rural innovation hubs to inspire youth to connect and create community solutions.
Los Ecoversities Alliance is a trans-local learning community of over 200 transformative learning spaces from more than 40 countries around the world who have been meeting and working together since 2015, through international and regional gatherings, learning exchanges, residencies, workshops, learning journeys, film festivals, publications and an annual reimagined learning conference. The Alliance through its member ecoversities seeks to transform the unsustainable and unjust economic, political and social systems/mindsets that currently dominate many societies. We wish to do this by actively transforming the ways we learn, the tools we use to make sense of the world, and the ways we create and share knowledge.