Noticias y eventos

Education for the head, heart, body, soul, and spirit!

by Clément Moliner-Roy With support and feedback from Andrea González, Dzifa Afonu and Manish Jain. [Spanish version below – Sigue la versión en español] We often take for granted that education equates to good. But what if education can also generate harm? For instance, education sometimes makes people so obsessed about getting the right answers

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Towards oneness: Educating for a paradigm shift

By Clément Moliner-RoyWith support and feedback from Andrea González, Ethel Pang, João Gabriel Almeida and Manish Jain. To shift or to collapse?Do I even need to convince you that we need a paradigm shift? That if we continue thinking and living the way we do, we will face the inevitable collapse of human society. That

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Ecoversities Turtle Island Regional Gathering 2024, Cascadia Bioregion | 19th – 23rd of July | Registration Open

Dear kindred spirits, In the dance of life’s unfolding mysteries, we extend an invitation to join us for 5 days of co-exploring, sharing gifts and skills, and un/learning.  This will be the first-ever in-person Turtle Island Regional Gathering of the Ecoversties Alliance. We will be hosted at the Atlan Center, located in the Cascadia bioregion

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