Clara Luz Pollination – The Web of Peoples & Instituto Etno, Serra Grande, Brasil
The more I know Ecoversities Alliance and the more I get involved, more I realize this is a way I find resonance with
myself, my principles and the directions I find meaningful in life. I was involved in Pollination actions for this past
cycle, but ended up myself being pollinized. It is beautiful to see how this Alliance, this movement that creates this
Ecoverse, has a force of its own. Independently of the parts that make it turn, it seems to have an atmosphere of its
own. An atmosphere that when you get in, starts touching you, like a docile stream that follows down its course
dancing around the rocks and bringing life to where it passes. So in this Pollination, for my surprise, I got touched in
a deeper level with all the care, sweetness, respect and love I have always felt from the Alliance’s own environment.
Feeling all that from inside, from the perspective of talking about it and being it, in contrast with the world that is
hearing about it and perceiving it. It’s like when we say that the best way to learn is to “teach”