Noticias y eventos

The Journey to Alivelihoods

by Manish Jain and Kalashree Sengupta We have interacted with thousands of youth and have found the most common and important question asked by young people in their education today has nothing to do with the syllabus or with what is happening in the world. It is related to, “What is your package?” This seems

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AUTOREFERENZIALE – Emilio Fantin on Art and Logic

This video documents a foray into a logic class to present from an artist’s perspective. The presence of an artist in such a context means that a link between art and logic has already been achieved. In the past, I have tried to bridge these two different worlds that are so far apart, but what

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Construir ámbitos comunitarios de vida para la defensa de nuestros territorios: La milpa como resistencia al despojo

Los procesos de despojo a través de la imposición de megaproyectos han sido sistemáticos durante los últimos años. Vivimos nuestros territorios en disputas, donde los conflictos sociales agravan la presencia de violencia en nuestras comunidades. En agosto del año 2014, en el Caracol zapatista La realidad se llevó a cabo la primera “Compartición entre el

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Tamya Residency with the Amazon Caravan, Mushuk Away 2023

(español abajo) The Ecoversities Alliance seed fund supports residencies between ecoversities around the world, as learning journeys for the exchange of cosmovisions, dreamings, inspirations. Today, Tamya gives us a glimpse of her ongoing learning journey with the Amazon Caravan with Mushuk Away.Tamya Melisa Calderon Galvis is a visual artist from Ecuador, she uses art as

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May Residency with the Haj Mulein Sustainable Community Farm in Siwa Oasis, 2023

(español abajo) <img width="”225″" height="”300″" src="”×300.jpg”" alt="””" loading="”lazy”" srcset="”×300.jpg" 225w, https:> <a href="/es/””/">The Ecoversities Alliance seed fund supports residencies between ecoversities around the world</a>, as learning journeys for the exchange of cosmovisions, dreamings, inspirations. Today, Phattharaporn Srithaworn (May) from Thailand shares with us her residency in the

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Ecoversities Alliance VII Planetary Gathering South Africa 2023: Testimonials

(español abajo) Ecoversities Planetary Gathering VII: South Africa In June 2023, the Ecoversities Alliance was received by Cape Town, South Africa for the VII Global Gathering, re-uniting a multiplicity of voices and rhythms from local communities to people from all parts of the world, people who are re-imagining education from their territories, curious about their

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