Noticias y eventos

“Tejiendo Alternativas” – Entrevista a Gustavo Esteva Below~ A un año del fallecimiento del maestro Gustavo Esteva, su amigo y colaborador Franco Augusto Iacomella nos comparte esta entrevista que le hizo a finales de 2019. Hasta ahora solo se encontraba disponible parcialmente en forma de texto, en una edición especial de la Revista Magisterio de 2020 (disponible aquí: Gustavo nos comparte

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Open Call for Films and Podcasts

[español abajo]  Now into its 7th year of unfolding, the Ecoversities Alliance continues to connect learners and communities; an emergent ecosystem reclaiming different knowledge systems, and multiple ways of learning, and fostering radical imagination.  In this dynamic web of learners and projects, many insightful cosmovisions and inspiring real-life stories and sensings remain underground.   The Publications

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Ecoversities’ First Asia-wide Gathering

The Ecoversities Alliance held its first Asia-wide gathering in September, 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. It brought together 25 innovative educators who are re-imagining higher education to share experiences and co-create. We were honoured to be joined by Thai elder Sulak Sivarska.

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