Noticias y eventos

EcoFeminist Pedagogies – Ecoversities Planetary Gathering 2020 session on how to unlearn coloniality and racial patriarchal capitalism hosted by Alessandra Pomarico, Daniela Festa and Romina de Novellis.  Presenting MEDUSE (Mediterranean Ecofeminist Decolonial Union for Self Education) the new Ecoversity germinated in the Mediterranean region to inquire around and fight against connected and intersectional forms of oppressions against bodies as well as

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seeing together in the dark matter of the image

 by Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson   In their “Notes towards a Vernacular Technology”, which opens their booklet Seeing Together in the Dark Matter of the Image, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson  write: “How do we open up spaces for sharing thoughts and conversations that facilitate the creation of different ways of being together, talk-ing, seeing, inhabiting the

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Live Human Signposts from Swaraj University

  For this first Live Human Signposts series we will be showcasing four ‘Live Human Signposts’ that dropped out of the mainstream, and pursued alternative forms of education, which brought each of them, in their own unique journeys, to Swaraj University, in Rajasthan India. Since attending Swaraj each of them has gone on to explore

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Introducing the Live Human Signposts Project

There is a lot of darkness in our world. There is a need for change. What can bring hope is that there are already many individuals, organizations and networks that are realizing and spreading change. Oftentimes these individuals, and initiatives, are not known by people that are not affiliated with alternative networks. With great compassion,

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