Noticias y eventos

Re-Embracing Indigenous Worldviews conversation between Four Arrows and Marley Vera Tupã about the importance of indigenous culture in education and as a path to face our current crises. Re-embracing Indigenous worldview is our only solution to the crises facing us.

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Mahua – News and conversations about the real economy in India 

  These alivelihoods are restoring Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature and communities, making knowledge and the bounties of Nature freely accessible, bringing down inequities, facilitating deep questioning and inquiry, healing the disconnected self and the wounded spirit, helping people experience real love and joy, all of which is dismantling the

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THE GIGATONNE CHALLENGE – Complexity University

A BOLD, NEW, BOTTOM-UP, AT-SCALE, AT-PACE RESPONSE TO THE GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS We invite you to read about this adventure from Complexity University. You’ll find voices, study cases, what they did in 2020 and next steps towards reducing global emissions one prototype at the time:  Gigatonne challenge – Complexity University from Ecoversities More information about

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