Schedule for Virtual Planetary Gathering 2020
Check your time zones for the sessions here:
Check your time zones for the sessions here:
Institution & Autonomy – Gentle Mechanisms of Ideology In the last, fourth session on Nature and Ideology we synthesize our thoughts and artistic discipline. This time, the canvas is a bit larger, a razor blade is needed, the conclusions sound sharp and direct. Preliminary theses on nature and ideology: The natural environment which encompasses
Solidarity and Infrastructure – Progressive Consciousness “En plein air” In this session, we visualize and discover how nature relates to its own infrastructural moments. Let’s find answers en plein air with oil colours on canvas. The emergence of consciousness is related to the infrastructure of nature. The main problem of the infrastructure is around
El Tejido Ecoversidades es una comunidad de practicantes del aprendizaje de todas partes del mundo, comprometidos a la re-imaginación de la educación superior para culvitvar un florecimiento humano y ecológico en respuesta a los retos críticos de nuestros tiempos.
Copyleft 2018 Ecoversidades
Este sitio web fue hecho con amor por Montaia