Noticias y eventos

Vimukt Shiksha Yatra A Virtual Learning Journey

Vimukt shiksha yatra a virtual learning journey from Ecoversities The Shiksha Yatra is envisioned with an intention to inspire ideas, learning and collaborations towards re-imagining education. It will help you pause and reflect to your roots of Education. It is a platform to build new connections, meet visionaries who are doing amazing work in the

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For The Love OF Learning #59 – The Ecoversities Network – 31 May 2016 text and video comes from For the Love of Learning. Voices of the Alternative Education Movement. It is an interview made in 2016 about Ecoversities. We invite you to listen to this memory of this beautiful journey together.  Description: What are ecoversitities? Ecoversitities are a diverse network that both critiques existing education systems that

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Learning with Covid – Medical protocols and healing relationships, Ecoversities call July 11th

 Dear friends in and beyond ecoversities,Artist Emilio Fantin and anthroposophic Doctor Cinzia di Meglio will host a conversation with Doctor Rossana Becarelli, and Josefina Guzman and Pedro Reygadas, from Centro de Investigacions and Studios Transmodernos, to continue our investigation around healing issues and practices, from different prospectives. We have seen the Covid 19 pandemia being used to reinforce the pharma industry and all

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